Parker Pleated Filter Cartridges

Parker Domnick Hunter – Pleated Filter Cartridges


As the name suggests, this type of filter construction relies upon the convoluted media to provide an extended surface area available for filtration. As the liquid (or air) flows through the cartridge, particles are caught in the pleated media, effectively removing them from the process.

By using a pleated media and increasing the surface area, you will extend the life of the filter cartridge which, in turn, can reduce maintenance costs and downtime. 

Parker Domnick Hunter Pleated Filter Cartridges
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Pleated Filter Cartridges – PDF downloads

APPLICATIONS:   Air & Gas.  Process Liquid.  Food & Beverage. Pharmaceutical.


Bevpor MH Bottled Water BMHAbsolute PES membrane for bottled water 0.2 & 0.45
Bevpor MS Bottled Water BMSAbsolute PES membrane for bottled water 0.2 & 0.45
Bevpor PH BrewingAbsolute PES membrane for brewing0.45 & 0.65
Bevpor PS Bottled Water BPSAbsolute PES membrane for bottled water 0.2 & 0.45
Bevpor PS Cider BPSAbsolute PES membrane for cider0.45 to 1.2
Bevpor PS Wine BPSAbsolute PES membrane fro wine0.45 to 1.2
Bevpor WG General BWGAbsolute PES general grade 0.2
Chemflow PE PTFEAbsolute PTFE membraneNo0.5 to 1
Clariflow E PES MembraneAbsolute hydrophyllic PES membraneNo0.02 to 0.8
Clariflow WG Water ServicesAbsolute hydrophyllic PES membraneNo0.1 to 0.45
Cryptoclear PES ZCCSAbsolute PES membrane1.0
Cryptoclear Plus PES ZCCPAbsolute PES membrane0.6 to 1.0
FluoroflowAll fluoropolymer absolute ratedNo0.05 to 1.0
High Flow Prepor GFA ZCHPGlass microfibreNo1
High Flow Tetpor II ZHFTPTFENo0.2
MaxguardAbsolute large dia polypropylene0.5 to 40
MegaflowNominal PP or Cellulose large diaNo0.5 to 10
ParMax CartridgeLarge dia PP or glass fibre absoluteNo 0.8 to 90
ParMax Food & BevLarge dia PP absolute 0.8 to 90
Peplyn HA Food & BevAbsolute polypropylene for clarification1 to 125
PleatflowAbsolute polyester, glass fibre, polypropylene, celluloseNo0.5 to 50
Polyflow G PG-10Nominal pleated depth polypropyleneNo0.2 to 30
Polyflow II P2Nominal pleated depth polypropyleneNo0.6 to 40
Polyflow MembraneAbsolute PP membrane for microelectronicsNo0.04 to 0.2
Prepor NG Brewing PNGAbsolute PP for beer clarification0.5 to 1.0
Prepor PP Food & BevAbsolute PP for beverage clarification0.6 to 1.0
Proflow II GAbsolute PTFE on PP supportNo0.05 to 1.0
Proflow II PharmaAbsolute PTFE preflushedNo0.2
Propleat PP Food & Bev99% Pleated polypropylene0.8 to 40
Propor PESAbsolute PES membraneNo0.1 to 1.2
Propor SGAbsolute PES cold sterilisingNo0.1 to 0.45
TetporAbsolute PTFE cold sterilisingNo 0.1 to 1.0

Beverage Filters

PREPOR – Pre-filtration liquid filters from Parker domnick hunter provide high efficiency removal of spoilage organisms and yeast removal, providing economic stabilisation of your product.

BEVPOR – PES membrane range of filters from Parker domnick hunter have been specifically designed for the beverage industry to provide microbial stabilisation that extends shelf-life, while maintaining colour and flavour of the final product.

Pharmaceutical Filters

PROCLEAR – filters from parker domnick hunter represent a range of pre-filtration and clarification media for particulate removal and bioburden reduction. Designed to minimise throughput in the most demanding applications.

PROPOR – multi format sterile liquid filters from Parker domnick hunter offer a PES membrane which demonstrates low preservative binding and retention of diminutive organisms, coupled with high flow and high capacity performance in critical applications.

Liquid Filtration

PEPLYN filters from Parker domnick hunter are used for clarification and pre-filtration in a wide range of applications. The polypropylene construction makes them the ideal choice for aggressive viscous chemicals and solvents.

Your one stop shop for Parker Domnick Hunter Pleated Filter Cartridges
Prosep Filter Systems Ltd.

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